EXPERT INSIGHT: AI will spike Uplink Traffic
Introduction: The Capacity Gap
New Modeling of Uplink and Downlink data load
New Applications in AI that will drive uplink traffic
Where the mobile network stands today: Capacity vs. uplink demand
How Downlink and Uplink demand are diverging
What applications are driving the changes
Cool charts on how applications arise for each "G"
Future growth of overall data demand
Future growth of uplink mobile data
Comparing Demand vs. Capacity: The Capacity Gap
What Operators are going to do about it
September 2024.
Introduction: The Capacity Gap
New Modeling of Uplink and Downlink data load
New Applications in AI that will drive uplink traffic
Where the mobile network stands today: Capacity vs. uplink demand
How Downlink and Uplink demand are diverging
What applications are driving the changes
Cool charts on how applications arise for each "G"
Future growth of overall data demand
Future growth of uplink mobile data
Comparing Demand vs. Capacity: The Capacity Gap
What Operators are going to do about it
September 2024.
Introduction: The Capacity Gap
New Modeling of Uplink and Downlink data load
New Applications in AI that will drive uplink traffic
Where the mobile network stands today: Capacity vs. uplink demand
How Downlink and Uplink demand are diverging
What applications are driving the changes
Cool charts on how applications arise for each "G"
Future growth of overall data demand
Future growth of uplink mobile data
Comparing Demand vs. Capacity: The Capacity Gap
What Operators are going to do about it
September 2024.